
Download the Council Charter as a PDF

I. General Provisions

1. Name

San Diego Regional Geographic Information Systems Council

2. Region

The council is composed of local, regional, state and federal GIS users within San Diego County.

3. Location

The principal office and convening organization is:
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
401 B. Street, Suite 800
San Diego, California 92101
Contact: Steve Kunkel
Telephone: (619) 595-5318 Fax: (619) 595-5305

II. Background

The San Diego GIS Coordinators Group was formed in the mid-1990s to promote the sharing of GIS information and solutions to provide more efficient and effective service. This group served as a forum for the region’s public agencies to develop partnerships to acquire imagery and other geospatial data. The group was composed of the GIS Coordinators from SANDAG’s member agencies, the San Diego Geographic Information Source (SanGIS), and local water districts. SANDAG member agency representatives included the 18 incorporated cities, county government, the San Diego Unified Port District, local Naval and Marine Corps divisions of the U.S. Department of Defense, Caltrans District 11, and the San Diego County Water Authority.

The California GIS Council was formed to improve coordination within California State government and among federal, state and local governments. The goals of the regional GIS councils are to review the Council’s reports to provide recommendations on policy alignment with local and regional GIS needs and to be a focal point for partnerships to build California’s geographic information infrastructure.

The San Diego GIS Coordinators Group decided to reorganize into the San Diego Regional GIS Council (SDRGC). The membership of the group will be expanded to include more local government agencies and the local divisions of federal and state government agencies in the region. The SDRGC will adopt a formal charter, appoint a liaison to the State GIS Council, and perform the communication and coordination responsibilities of the regional GIS councils as directed by the State. Meetings will continue on a quarterly schedule as they have since the inception of the GIS Coordinators Group.

III. Purpose

1. Mission

The purpose of the council is to facilitate cooperation among public agencies in the San Diego Region in promoting the development, acquisition and dissemination of Geographic Information Systems infrastructure and geospatial data.

2. Goals
  1. To improve operations and facilitate new analyses and joint decision-making.
  2. To provide a forum for information sharing and collaboration.
  3. To realize economies of scale through joint purchase projects.
  4. To pursue partnerships for geospatial projects on a regional basis.
  5. To promote the goals of the California GIS Council.
  6. To coordinate the activities of the San Diego Regional Host Committee at the annual ESRI International User Conference held each summer in San Diego.

IV. Participation

Council membership is open to all public agencies, universities and colleges interested in promoting the development of GIS infrastructure in the region. Organizations must apply for membership in order to have voting privileges. Private sector organizations and individuals are encouraged to attend regional council meetings in an advisory capacity. The council is an information exchange not a policy-making forum; hence its actions are not binding on any member, but the council may make recommendations for consideration by its members.

V. Operations

1. Meetings

Regular meetings will be held quarterly according to an established schedule. Special meetings may be held at the discretion of the chair.

2. Governance

The council shall elect the following executive committee officers at the first regular meeting of a calendar year for two year terms. Only one officer per voting organization is allowed.

  • CHAIRPERSON. The Chairperson of the Council shall preside during meetings of the Council. The Chairperson shall also serve as the liaison to the California GIS Council and will be responsible for staying informed about legislation affecting GIS. The Chairperson shall also chair the San Diego Regional Host Committee for the annual ESRI International User Conference.
  • VICE CHAIRPERSON. The Council Vice Chairperson shall set the agenda for each meeting of the Council and distribute it to all Council members at least 1 week prior to each meeting. Agenda items requiring a vote must be announced and distributed to Council members no later than 72 hours prior to the Council meeting. The Vice Chairperson shall preside in the absence of the Chairperson.
  • SECRETARY. The Council Secretary shall record and distribute minutes and action items for each meeting. The minutes will be distributed at least 1 week prior to the subsequent meeting.
  • WEBMASTER. The Council Webmaster shall be responsible for updating Council web site content as needed. The Webmaster will post the agenda and minutes for each Council meeting on the Council web site no later than 72 hours prior to each Council meeting.
3. Membership

There are no membership dues to join the San Diego Regional GIS Council. Organizations applying for membership will provide the following information:

  • organization name
  • mailing address
  • representative’s name and title
  • email address
  • telephone and fax numbers
4. Voting

Regional council officers will be elected by the membership bi-annually. The council may also vote on other issues if previously specified in the meeting agenda. Each member agency is allowed one vote by its representative or designated alternate. Officers are elected and resolutions passed by the simple majority of members present at the meeting. Membership must be obtained prior to a meeting in order to vote. The regional council will not vote to authorize funding. Decisions on commitment of funding, or resources ultimately rest with individual or organizational members and would be governed by a separate agreement.

Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Chair, with at least seventy-two (72) hours notice, to discuss, make recommendations and vote on issues that are critical and need immediate resolution. Special meetings may be conducted by telephone, email or facsimile communication so long as all other conditions of the meeting protocol are met.

5. Communication

Written communications to members most often will take place via email. A website will be hosted by SANDAG as the convening organization at

postings will include:

  • agendas
  • meeting minutes
  • membership list
  • contact information for each member
  • information about council projects
  • other information deemed important by the SDRGC
6. Collaborative Projects

Any member may propose and the chair can establish a subcommittee for the purpose of pursuing a particular project or area of interest. The regional council does not assess membership dues and will not maintain a treasury. Services and goods requiring funding must be funded by partnerships independent of the regional council. The council bears no liability for funding special projects, but can advise the subcommittee on the management of the project and creation of a project proposal. The regional council will provide web site services and e-mail notification for the posting of project proposals and memoranda of agreements.

7. Liaison to the California GIS Council

The council chairperson shall serve as liaison to the California GIS Council to represent the Regional Council. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson shall serve as liaison. The liaison shall attend the California GIS Council meetings and Regional GIS Council Subcommittee meetings to report on GIS activities and facilitate collaboration opportunities. Deliberations of the California GIS Council will be posted on the regional council’s website and circulated via email to members.

8. Amendments

Amendments to this charter can be made by the vote of members at any regular meeting if the amendments are listed in the meeting’s agenda.

9. Dissolution

The Council will continue to function as long as it has the confidence of its members. In any case, the Council charter will automatically dissolve should any period of twelve (12) months elapse between meetings.